Fayette Opera House
Brian Ebie
Brian Ebie is an organist, pipe organ technician, and performing artist based in Mogadore, Ohio. As a pipe organ technician he maintains many pipe organs around northern Ohio, some well over 100 years old. Active as an organist, Brian Ebie regularly performs concerts around the United States with his wife, a professional flutist. Brian has given the world premiere of organ works, served as a clinician, and played the 206-rank Aeolian Skinner at the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City.
As an adjunct faculty member at The University of Akron, Brian taught courses in Organ, Piano, Music Theory, Graduate Music History, Music Appreciation, Music Education, Tests and Measurements, and Research Methods. Supervised independent studies and Master's Theses.
Brian has a YouTube Channel where you can see and hear him play many of these magnificent intstruments. Click HERE and prepare to be amazed and enchanted.