Fayette Opera House
Joy Bell
Joybell is a traveling handbell program based out of Clinton Township, Michigan. Kristine Stout, handbell soloist, and her husband and agent Kirt travel all over the United States with her marvelous handbell solo programs. Joybell does not embrace any one religious doctrine and is a witness to joy. All Kristine's programs, secular and non secular, sparkle with humor, energy, joy, wit, and totally amazing music. Her handbell solos and digital keyboard orchestrations are her own creations, designed for and delivered with joy! In-Cred-i-bell!
Kristine's fun-filled, joyful Christmas variety program is called “Joybells to the World!”, and her Christmas Cantata entitled "Comfort and Joybells" is also available for a more sacred mood. Perfect for your Advent Tea, worship service, office Christmas party, School Assembly, Assisted living homes, hospitals, RV parks, and more.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
7:30 PM
Fayette Opera House
TIckets available at the door
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Purchase Tickets HERE